Data protection declaration

By means of this data protection regulation, we inform about the scope of processing of your personal data (in the following “data”).

1. Responsible for data processing

The responsible party within the meaning of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and other data protection regulations is:

3st kommunikation GmbH
Taunusstraße 59-61
55118 Mainz

Phone: +49 6131 49961-10

2. Contact details of the data protection officer

Matthias Rosa
RMPrivacy GmbH
Große Langgasse 1A, 55116 Mainz


3. General information on data processing

We process data in the context of our business and website operations.

This also encompasses the disclosure and transfer to third parties and p.r.n. to so-called third countries outside of the European Union (“EU”) and the European Economic Area (“EEA”). Insofar we transfer data outside of the EU or the EEA, this is marked accordingly.

4. Data processing

The individual data concerned, processing purposes, legal bases, recipients and any transfers to third countries are listed below:

a) Log file when visiting the website

We log your website visit. In doing so, we process:

  • Name(s) of our accessed website(s),
  • the date and time of access,
  • the amount of data transferred,
  • the browser type and version,
  • the operating system you are using,
  • the referrer URL (the previously visited website),
  • your IP address,
  • the requesting provider.

The legal basis for data processing is our overriding legitimate interest in the continuous provision and security of our website in accordance with Art. 6 para. 1 f) GDPR.

The log file is deleted after seven days, unless it is required to prove or clarify specific legal violations that have become known within the retention period.

b) Web hosting

To provide our online presence, we use the services of web hosting providers who process the above-mentioned data and all data to be processed in connection with the operation of this website (log file when visiting the website) on our behalf.

The legal basis for data processing is our overriding legitimate interest in the provision of our website in accordance with Art. 6 para. 1 f) GDPR.

c) Contact

If you contact us, we process the following data from you for the purpose of processing and handling your request: Name, contact details – if provided by you – and your message.

The legal basis for data processing is our obligation to fulfil the contract and/or to fulfil our pre-contractual obligations pursuant to Art. 6 para. 1 b) GDPR and/or our overriding legitimate interest in processing your request pursuant to Art. 6 para. 1 f) GDPR.

d) Contact for applications

If you contact us to send us your application as an employee, e.g. by e-mail or via a contact form, the data you provide (e.g. name, e-mail address, desired place of work, etc.), your message and the application documents sent will be processed exclusively for the purpose of processing and handling your application request.

The legal basis for data processing is primarily Para. 26 Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG). Accordingly, the processing of data required in connection with the decision on the establishment of an employment relationship is permitted.

Should the data be necessary for legal prosecution after completion of the application process, data processing may be carried out to safeguard our legitimate interests in accordance with Art. 6 para. 1 f) GDPR, namely to assert and/or defend against claims.

e) Pool of applicants

Wenn Sie uns nach dem Abschluss des Bewerbungsverfahrens die Einwilligung zur weiteren Aufbewahrung Ihrer Bewerbungsunterlagen erteilen, speichern wir diese in unserem Bewerberpool zu dem Zweck Sie bei künftig zu besetzenden Stellen, die auf Ihr Profil passen zu kontaktieren. Rechtsgrundlage für die Verarbeitung im Rahmen unseres Bewerberpools ist Ihre vorherige Einwilligung gem. Art. 6 Abs. 1 a) DSGVO.

f) Vertragsabwicklung

We process your order data to handle the contractual relationship between you and us.

The legal basis for data processing is the fulfilment of our contractual obligations in accordance with Art. 6 para. 1 b) GDPR and, in individual cases, the fulfilment of our legal obligations in accordance with Art. 6 para. 1 c) GDPR.

When using our “Synfoni” project portal, personal data is processed. This includes the contact details of customers and service providers, i.e. first name, surname, function, email address and telephone number. Further information on this can be found in the portal’s privacy policy.

We transmit your address data to the company commissioned with the delivery. If necessary for processing the contract, we also transmit your e-mail address or your telephone number to the company commissioned with the delivery in order to coordinate a delivery date (notification).

We transmit your transaction data (name, date of order, payment method, date of dispatch and/or receipt, amount and payee, bank details or credit card details if applicable) to the payment service provider commissioned to process the payment.

g) Contract fulfilment and data management in the context of service provision

We process various data as part of the provision of our services and to initiate and process the existing contractual relationship between you and us.

If you have commissioned us to provide a service, such as the provision of our Contento publishing platform, we process your data (if provided: name, contact details, address) and all information necessary for the fulfilment of the order exclusively for the purpose of processing and handling the contractual relationship.

This includes in particular our appropriate advice and support, correspondence with you, invoicing, fulfilment of our accounting and tax obligations.

The data is processed accordingly on the basis of Art. 6 para. 1 b) GDPR and to fulfil our legal obligations in accordance with Art. 6 para. 1 c) GDPR.

If this is necessary to process the order, your data will be passed on to third parties.

This includes, in particular, disclosure to supervisory authorities for the purpose of correspondence and for the assertion and defence of your rights.

We take all appropriate measures to transfer personal data only to the extent necessary for the underlying purpose.

h) Entry in our visitor’s book

Visitors must sign a visitor‘s book when entering our business premises. The following are stored in this book: Surname and first name of the visitor, company, time of visit and optionally the telephone number of the visitor.

The processing of personal data is based on our legitimate interest pursuant to Art. 6 para. 1 f) GDPR in ensuring the security and implementation of our access concept in our business premises.

i) Use of cookies

We use so-called cookies on our website. Cookies are small text files that are stored on your end device (PC, smartphone, tablet, etc.) and saved by your browser.

Information about the specific cookies we use, their providers and purposes can be found in our consent banner. There you can give your consent to the respective services as required by Para. 25 (1) of the German Data Protection Act (TTDSG), revoke this consent or adjust your settings at a later date.

Our consent banner

We use a consent banner to document your selection of certain data processing procedures and to fulfil our obligations under data protection law. When you visit our website, your cookie preferences are requested via a banner. We then set a cookie in which data on granted or revoked consent is stored. The data processing is carried out to fulfil our legal obligations in accordance with Art. 6 para. 1 c) GDPR.

aa) Matomo with consent

We use cookies from the open source web analysis software Matomo on our website. When you visit our website, information about your use of the website (including IP address) is stored in cookies. We use the information to analyse your use of our website, to compile reports on website activity for us and to provide other services relating to website activity and internet usage.

We use Matomo with the extension “anonymiseIp()”. This truncates IP addresses before transmission. A direct personal reference in connection with the stored data is therefore excluded.

If you consent to data processing via our consent banner, we will process the following data about you:

  • Order details (order number; shipping and payment method),
  • the website from which the user accessed the page on our website (referrer),
  • the subpages that are accessed from the website,
  • Statistics on A/B tests (statistics on the user's decision on two available website layouts).

You can prevent data collection by activating the Do-Not-Track option in your browser or by clicking subsequently to object. If you uncheck the box, an opt-out cookie will be set to prevent data collection. Please note that you will have to set the cookie again if you delete the cookies in your browser.

The legal basis for data processing is your consent in accordance with Art. 6 para. 1 a) GDPR.

You can revoke your consent at any time with effect for the future by adjusting your preferences in our consent banner.

j) Postal advertising

If we send your company advertising by post, we may also collect personal data in advance, for example from managing directors. In doing so, we access information from publicly accessible sources and directories such as the commercial register or the Federal Gazette. However, we delete the personal data collected in this context immediately when we store the data relating to your company in our systems. Only data that can be taken from the aforementioned register category is affected. The legal basis for data processing is our legitimate interest pursuant to Art. 6 I f GDPR in conjunction with Recital 47 GDPR for direct advertising of our offers and services.

k) External content

We use dynamic content from third parties to optimise the presentation and offer of our website. When you visit the website, a request is automatically sent to the server of the respective content provider via an interface, during which certain log data (e.g. the user’s IP address) is transmitted. The dynamic content is then transmitted to our website and displayed there.

We use external content in connection with the following functionalities:

aa) Integration of Vimeo videos

We have integrated videos from the Vimeo portal of Vimeo, Inc, 555 West 18th Street, New York, New York 10011, USA on our website. When the videos are played, log data is transmitted to the Vimeo servers in the USA. This processing is carried out on the basis of our overriding legitimate interest in optimising the marketing of our offer in accordance with Art. 6 para. 1 f) GDPR.

Further information can be found at:

5. Duration of data storage

We only store personal data for as long as is necessary for the purposes for which it is processed or for as long as you have withdrawn your consent. Insofar as statutory retention obligations must be observed, the storage period for certain data may be up to 10 years, regardless of the processing purposes.

6. Your data subject rights

a) Disclosure

On request, you can obtain information about all personal data that we have stored about you at any time and free of charge.

b) Rectification, erasure, restriction of processing (blocking), objection

If you no longer consent to the storage of your personal data or if it has become incorrect, we will arrange for the deletion or blocking of your data or make the necessary corrections (insofar as this is possible under the applicable law) if instructed to do so. The same applies if we are only to process data to a limited extent in future. You have the right to object in particular in cases where your data is required for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest or where the data processing is based on our legitimate interest, as well as profiling based on this. You also have the right to object in the case of data processing for the purpose of direct advertising.

c) Right to withdraw consent with effect for the future

You can revoke your consent at any time with effect for the future. Your revocation does not affect the legality of the processing up to the time of revocation.

d) Data portability

If data processing is carried out on the basis of a contract, pre-contractual negotiations, consent or with the aid of automated procedures, you have the right to data portability. Upon request, we will provide you with your data in a commonly used, structured and machine-readable format so that you can transmit the data to another controller if you wish.

e) Restriction of processing

Data for which we are not able to identify the data subject, e.g. if it has been anonymised for analysis purposes, is not covered by the above rights. Information, deletion, blocking, correction or transfer to another company may be possible with regard to this data if you provide us with additional information that allows us to identify you.

f) Exercising your rights as a data subject and right to lodge a complaint

If you have any questions regarding the processing of your personal data, information, correction, blocking, objection or deletion of data or if you wish to transfer the data to another company, please contact

You also have the option of complaining to a supervisory authority about your rights as a data subject.