3st provides security according to ISO 27001

In view of the growing threat from cybercriminals, protecting sensitive data is becoming increasingly important – even in the creative industry. To combine creativity and information security, redesign development processes and turn its own agency into a secure and efficient creative space, 3st has now had itself certified to ISO/IEC 27001.

The standard is considered the international standard in the field of information security. In 2020, around 1,300 companies in Germany held this certificate – a large proportion of them in information technology and infrastructure. ISO 27001 differs from the TISAX standard, which was developed specifically for the automotive industry, only in some industry-specific details. For example, TISAX makes concrete specifications for handling prototypes, but this has not any relevance for the work of creative agencies.

For certification, 3st critically examined processes and structures, IT and software development, office space and access systems, and built a comprehensive information security management system (ISMS). Such a system makes things visible, assessable and controllable – and thus creates the conditions for closing potential security gaps.

With the successful certification, 3st has not reached the end of the journey. Now it's a matter of living the principles and standards in the sometimes turbulent everyday life of the agency, improving them further, and also advising customers, especially in the exchange of data.