Wacker Chemie trainee campaign

Because I can

School leavers are a difficult target group - puberty, uncertainty and a critical attitude towards advertising make it difficult to reach them. That's why the advertising campaign for apprenticeships addresses them at eye level, with real apprentices from Wacker Chemie.

With a bold design, cheeky headlines and a self-confident claim, we struck a chord with young people.

Ads, animations, triangles, cereal bars, breakfast boards, chewing gum or festival tattoos - almost everything that is of interest to young people was included in the campaign. This placed high demands on the layout and text, which we took into account right from the conception stage.

Touchpoints also played an important role. Posters were placed along school routes, exhibition stands were set up at careers fairs and information stands were set up directly in schools. Two buses were also decorated with advertising.

Questions about the project?

Portrait Rohwa Jung
Rohwa Jung

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