Eva Mayr-Stihl Stiftung Corporate Website

Changemaker with passion

Working for a better world. This is what the Eva Mayr-Stihl Foundation does, supporting projects in science, medicine and culture. In doing so, it relies on long-standing partnerships, but is also open to new ideas. For the website we designed, we programmed an online form that uses intelligent filter functions and upload options to make it easier for applicants to submit applications and for the foundation team to process them.

The Eva Mayr-Stihl Foundation particularly supports projects in science and research, medicine, and art and culture.

An online form can be used to quickly find out whether a project fits the foundation's funding themes.

The fact that Eva Mayr-Stihl and her husband Robert Mayr take responsibility out of conviction is also shown by the newly designed image brochure. The high-quality coffee table book impresses with its clear, elegant design and authentic stories. In this way, the Eva Mayr-Stihl Foundation can be experienced - both digitally and analogously.

Questions about the project?

Portrait Rohwa Jung
Rohwa Jung

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