STIHL Reporting

The power to grow

In over 90 years, the family-owned company STIHL has developed into a global corporation and technology leader in its industry - with strong values and a good balance between stability and agility, between tradition and innovation. The company's annual reports, including the journal section, shed light on this productive interplay from all perspectives.

Nature is many things: habitat, nutritional basis, important climate factor, balance to hectic everyday life. The STIHL brand embodies the enthusiasm for working in and with nature.

Storytelling from all corners of the world: the view always goes behind the scenes of the Group.

People, products, spaces: all stories are individually staged and at the same time strengthen the image and messages of the STIHL brand.

The company's knowledge carriers and experts are the people who work at STIHL or with STIHL products.

Concentrated knowledge - also for everyone who reads the publication in print or online: Moving illustrations and figures provide little aha-effects.

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Portrait Isabel Rode
Isabel Rode

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Power of fascination
STIHL Annual Report

Power of fascination

Human and Nature
Stihl Sustainability Report

Human and Nature

Acting for Tomorrow
STIHL Sustainability Report

Acting for Tomorrow

The right step

The right step

Decentralized success story
Kommission zur Ermittlung des Finanzbedarfs der Rundfunkanstalten

Decentralized success story