Telekom Service Bookazine Corporate Book

The positive difference

The human being is the superpower that makes the difference in services – this is true more than ever in the age of digitalization. The bookazine “Superkraft Mensch” (superpower human being) revolves around this core idea. It was edited by Dr. Ferri Abolhassan, Executive Director Sales & Services, Telekom Deutschland, mutually supported by 3st and Fazit Communication.

Renowned personalities such as Matthias Horx from the Zukunftsinstitut (Future Institute), DB (German Railways) chief human resources officer Martin Seiler, or services expert Sabine Hübner share their ideas.

“Everyone can cluster clients. However, only the human can inspire clients, listen to nuances, demonstrate the right attitude.”
Dr. Ferri Abolhassan, Executive Director Sales & Services, Telekom Deutschland

The design is as diversified as the perspectives: In the mixture of guest contributions and interviews, every text receives its individual appearance.

The 176-pages-strong bookazine was published by Wirtschaftsbuchverlag Frankfurter Allgemeine Buch and is available in bookstores.

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Portrait Rohwa Jung
Rohwa Jung

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