Lifelines for Germany
Amprion is here. The company transports electricity for 29 million people and thousands of companies in the grid area. Amprion keeps the power grid stable and secure – and paves the way for a sustainable energy system. The magazine "Lebensadern" (lifelines), is an important hub for communicating this task. Printed in a compact format and digitally on the web. Both come together in a bundle. Both in cooperation with us.
In addition to the magazine, the financial report and the annual report, highlights such as the foreword by the management are also directly available online via the precise navigation. Amprion's bold corporate colors, together with the emotional imagery, create a strong desire to click through the content.

The magazine's colorful, thoughtful design of purple, blue and pink breaks down the individual articles.
Lively infographics, exciting reports, interviews and explanatory pieces make the transmission system operator accessible: whether it's a look at the Brauweiler main switchboard, the transformer transport of "Dirk der Starke” or an interview with CFO Peter Rüth.

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