- Reporting
- 2021
Power of Pioniergeist
MAHLE, the supplier specialist, is continuing to drive forward its own transformation with all its might. The journey leads to the important automotive fields of the future, such as electromobility. On this path, innovative strength, sustainable ways of thinking, and above all a pioneering spirit are required. That is why the 2021 annual report has "The Power of Pioneering Spirit" as its leitmotif.
And this pioneering spirit is in all the stories – digital and in the printed magazine.

A staff member who helped thousands of starving people during the pandemic has her say, as does the head of advance development.
Reportage photography, infographics with technical charm and a bold use of typography structure everything on the design level that makes up the pioneering work.

Highlights such as the magnet-free electric motor are presented in an elegant, reduced look and additionally animated in the online version.
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