Stable power grid

Explanatory film series: Stable power grid

In the winter of 2022/23, many people were concerned about one question: Is there a threat of a blackout in Germany? The grid operator Amprion commissioned us to use a film format to objectify the discussion in society. The three-part animated explanatory film series explains various terms relating to our electricity system, presents the measures taken by grid operators in the event of a crisis and provides tips for consumer behavior. We designed the entertaining films to be shown on social media in order to reach as many people as possible.

Grid interventions: The first film is about interventions in grid operation - and why they are not yet an alarm signal. Film number one reveals what the whole thing has in common with driving a car.

Controlled load shedding: Amprion did not expect a blackout in the winter of 2022/23. To prevent it, grid operators could not rule out controlled, temporary power shutdowns. The second explanatory video shows what happens during load shedding.

Well prepared: The third film is about practical precautions that consumers can take to go into the winter with a good feeling.

Questions about the project?

Portrait Rohwa Jung
Rohwa Jung

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