Aareon Group Online-Reporting

Digital Pioneering

In the property world, players are increasingly networking. Aareon is shaping this connection with smart software and is already working on solutions for tomorrow. In the digital Annual Report 2021, we show how this will succeed.

In terms of design, the report is based on a specially developed smart city scene. The hologram-like collages give each story an individual touch and at the same time visually connect with the other content. Rich color areas lend structure to the report.

Year after year, our annual report shows our progress on the way to leading the property sector into the digital future.
Christian M. Schmahl, Chief Financial Officer, Aareon AG

If you scroll through the animated report, you'll not only come across interviews and exciting customer stories, but you'll also be served lots of little content snippets. This applies to both the desktop view and the mobile version.

Questions about the project?

Portrait Rohwa Jung
Rohwa Jung

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